Self-care and Vision Boards

I called in sick on Monday…

I work part time for a psychiatric hospital and lately I have felt like I am constantly fighting some illness off.  I was attributing echinacea and green juice for keeping me from getting sick but I was also getting a little resentful of my body. “Why won’t you just stay well!?”  It was feeling, and still is to some extent, like I was always going to battle with my body.  I was determined for my mind and energy to win out.  I know I have been more stressed at work lately and that is never a good recipe for staying healthy.  There have been several days that I wanted to stay home but felt guilty or obligated to go in.  I took a good look at those feelings and realized that was not contributing to my wellness either.  Guilt and obligation are pretty low ranking on the vibrational scale.  So, I took the day off to rest and take care of myself.

I made a vision board!!!  I got some construction paper, magazines, scissors and a glue stick and went to town to set intention for what I want in life.  The universe is always listening so I set aside the stress, guilt and obligation and opened my mind and body to all the abundance I know is already mine.  With the help from some inspiration on manifesting from Carmen Marshall I set out to get clear about what I want.  Carmen talks a bit about this but I also incorporated the brilliant teachings of Danielle LaPorte in not only setting goals for things you want in life but most importantly focusing on how you want to FEEL!

My vision board turned out quite nicely and I sure had fun making it.  I haven’t figured out where I will display it yet but I look forward to the daily reminder to take action on what I want and how I want to feel.  I’m actually feeling it already…. 🙂

vision board

Harmonium Happiness

harmoniumMeet my beautiful, new harmonium!  I felt like a kid in a candy store (or really just me as an adult in a candy store) ordering and excitedly waiting for this baby.  It was September of 2012 that I first thought I might like to sing and play the harmonium. It came to me in a meditation and for about a week I was obsessed with the thought of buying one and learning to play.  Seeing that they are fairly expensive I decided to meditate on whether I should just go ahead and buy one.  The answer was clearly “NO, not right now”.  I have to admit I asked a few times and each time the answer was no. “Really universe? But, I am ready now!” I decided to honor this, trust and just let it go.  Just a few weeks later I reconnected with my very first yoga instructor and starting watching the kids in the yoga childcare in exchange for yoga.  Her space is so welcoming and wonderful I knew it was a good fit when I got there but then I looked over and saw that she had a harmonium and a huge smile came across my face.

“You have a harmonium!?!”

“Yes” she says “you can play it anytime you like”

I never did play it because frankly I didn’t know much about how to play and was a little intimidated.  It was still on my mind a bit and I liked a few pages on Facebook to keep myself in the loop on all things kirtan.  Fast forward to January of this year when I saw a Facebook post about an organization called The Call and Response Foundation. They were giving away a scholarship to a kirtan retreat in New Hampshire with harmonium lessons included!  I was at work and immediately sent off this email.

“My name is Jesalyn and I am a health care practitioner in San Diego. I do individual psychotherapy focused on mind-body integration. I am also a reiki master and do Healing Touch (both hands-on energy healing). I teach laughter yoga and my goal is to learn more about herbal medicine this year. I pride myself in offering a holistic perspective to wellness. I also happen to be a singer. I have sang all my life mostly for fun but also in weddings, for banquet events and now in the past year have started singing with a band. I hid my singing talent for the most part only letting it come out when prompted but I was shy. I never tell my clients that I sing or use it in a healing way.

Just last year I started considering learning to play the harmonium or rather it called to me in a meditation! I really looked into buying one but wanted to make sure it was the right thing since they are expensive. I have a non-profit in its beginning stages aimed at bringing healing modalities to all people especially those with trouble accessing them. My business partner is a yoga instructor and I had the vision of us bringing yoga and chanting to the masses in San Diego. I am finally ready to use my voice for healing and inspiration and I would absolutely love to attend this conference. I am familiar with call and response and have experienced it in yoga and at yoga festivals. It is truly moving to me and I would love to learn to share this with others. Please consider me for your scholarship. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Much love and light!”

I figured my chances were slim but I was contacted almost right away and offered the scholarship!  I had just received a gift card to southwest for my birthday and that covered most of my plane ticket.  I couldn’t believe how effortless it all came together but then again that effortlessness was the key to knowing it was the exact thing I needed.  It was the most amazing and life changing weekend.  It felt as if every moment of my life led me to that weekend and those moments singing and dancing and learning harmonium.  And while I truly believe all things happen for a reason and in perfect timing, I actually felt this to my core like I have with only a few other things. I met some amazing people who unfortunately all live on the East Coast, thank goodness for Facebook!

So, I returned with the harmonium bug and before I knew it I had found one on eBay and it was headed my way. I haven’t even had it a week but it was love at first site and I can’t wait to learn more.  I did not originally intend to write about all the serendipitous events that led me to my shiny new toy but I think it needed to get out and so again, all is perfect!

30 day Meditation Challenge

meditationToday marks the start of a 30 day meditation challenge I am embarking upon with my partner.  I came across a project produced by one of my favorite yoga teachers, Elena Brower.  She along with several others are featured as they tell how meditation changed their lives.  This project is currently seeking funding through Kickstarter and they hope to make meditation more accessible for all by donating copies of the movie to schools, hospitals and other establishments who would benefit from meditation being de-mystified.  I feel I am already privy to the bliss that one can feel after meditating as well as how life affirming and life altering it can be, but I am out of practice.  I currently meditate before my sessions with clients and ask for guidance and that I will be able to help them but I am out of practice for myself.  I look forward to checking in daily with myself and my higher power to work on what I need right now and to observe other shifts that come as a result.  My boyfriend and I are also taking video of our journey which I will share along the way.  I started with meditation this morning not knowing that later in the day I would be feeling pulled to return to my cushion to send love and prayers to those affected by the incident at the Boston Marathon.  I can’t help but think that if everyone had a meditation practice the world would be a more peaceful place. For now I choose to start with me, the only person I can change.

Energetic Inspiration

This weekend I was a helper in a level 1 Healing Touch class.  I have completed level 3 of this program and after that you are invited to be a helper in any of the classes you have taken.  It was, as always a lovely, rejuvenating weekend.  It was so amazing to watch people become aware for the first time of their energy body or to re-awaken their awareness and expand upon it.  In the past when I have been a helper in addition to helping demonstrate, I have done the techniques all weekend. This weekend was different because there was an even number of students so I did a lot of watching.  The first day I was taken aback my this new helper experience and frankly at first felt kind of bored.  By day 2 I was really soaking in the value of watching these amazing women (no guys in this class unfortunately) get and give treatments that in essence were changing them right before my eyes.  Now, I say change but I believe it was something there for them to tap into all along.  I very clearly remembered the beginning of my journey with energy healing more than 2 years ago.  There was such excitement about the potential of doing this work both for myself and others.  I still feel that excitement and continue to look forward to all my next steps.  This is such joyful work, I am struck frequently with how lucky I am to get to do this.  I found the perfect quote this morning by opening a book to a random page.  I love how the universe supports me exactly where I am right now.  Enlightenment is not a destination but a joyful, loving, process.

“Nirvana in my liberated consciousness turned out to be the beginning of my realization, a first step towards the complete thing, not the sole true attainment possible or even culminating finale” ~Sri Aurobindo