Letting Go of Busy

It’s not uncommon for me to have multiple things going on at once. More than one job, more than one project, definitely more than one book on my nightstand. Generally it fuels me, although I have also been known to bite off more than I can safely and effectively chew.

Last year I decided to take a break from teaching Reiki, something I really enjoy. It was a decision that was easy and difficult at the same time. Easy because I knew it needed to happen but difficult because it meant giving up an activity that provides a lot of joy and nourishment.

I also went through the IVF process last year which is a shit show (definitely the proper technical term) when it comes to stress, anxiety and emotions. And it worked! Worth all the shots and nerves and tears because I am now growing a human which I sometimes still can’t wrap my brain around (as she moves and kicks while I write this)

I had a vision for how my time before the baby arrives would go. I wanted to teach a class series I enjoy one last time, maybe take on a new client or two, continue delivering podcasts and virtual new moon circles, resume Reiki teaching and take a prenatal teacher training course.

So far I have completed my prenatal teacher training, which was great. The rest of it has fallen to the wayside due to being too sick, tired or overwhelmed. I still have some months left and I don’t know exactly what they will bring but I have to be ok with letting go of any expectations.

I had so little control over the process of conceiving and I know both birthing and parenting will bring that same lack of control. It seems the best course of action, the one I am being thrown into whether I like it or not, is to just go with the flow. And right now the flow is saying back off, lay low, get by.

And so for now, I am letting go of planning the next thing while navigating 5 other things already in process. Here’s to hoping it’s good practice for what’s to come.