Jolly Holiday

I love dressing up. Not just for Halloween but for any party or event. My husband and I have a costume closet in our house that we add things to each time we create something new. It’s fun to always have a last minute costume to throw together. I’ve had Mary Poppins on the mind for a few years and it was fun to make it happen this year. I love the way she makes average things seem magical; a quality I think we could all benefit from having in our lives. It’s also a major bonus that she sings all the time. I honestly think everything would be better if we lived inside of a musical. Can you imagine the fun if there was a song and dance break during work, while you were grocery shopping or even in moments of conflict. And who doesn’t love a spoonful of sugar be it literal or figurative. What are some ways you can bring more magic into your life? How can you let in more sweetness and more song and dance?

Happy Halloween!