30 day Meditation Challenge

meditationToday marks the start of a 30 day meditation challenge I am embarking upon with my partner.  I came across a project produced by one of my favorite yoga teachers, Elena Brower.  She along with several others are featured as they tell how meditation changed their lives.  This project is currently seeking funding through Kickstarter and they hope to make meditation more accessible for all by donating copies of the movie to schools, hospitals and other establishments who would benefit from meditation being de-mystified.  I feel I am already privy to the bliss that one can feel after meditating as well as how life affirming and life altering it can be, but I am out of practice.  I currently meditate before my sessions with clients and ask for guidance and that I will be able to help them but I am out of practice for myself.  I look forward to checking in daily with myself and my higher power to work on what I need right now and to observe other shifts that come as a result.  My boyfriend and I are also taking video of our journey which I will share along the way.  I started with meditation this morning not knowing that later in the day I would be feeling pulled to return to my cushion to send love and prayers to those affected by the incident at the Boston Marathon.  I can’t help but think that if everyone had a meditation practice the world would be a more peaceful place. For now I choose to start with me, the only person I can change.