Happy Birth Month!

A letter to my unborn daughter in the month of her birth:

This is your birth month baby girl! If all goes to plan, we will meet you in 11 days. I can hardly believe you will soon be in my arms. I am excited and nervous and still mostly in disbelief. Even though we have wanted this for 6 years, it still doesn’t quite feel real. 
You are coming into the world during a very interesting time. I wish I could tell you all is peaceful. Even though you will likely learn about it when you are older, I always tell your dad I want to share the truth with you (he also says that means that I will be ruining your innocence but I disagree). We are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic which means you won’t get to meet the rest of your family right away. They are so excited for your arrival and so happy that your dad and I finally get to be parents. But because your little immune system will still be developing, they will have to meet you through our front window and over video chat until some time passes. That means your dad and I will have you all to ourselves for the first 2 weeks and more than likely for the first 2+ months as well. 
There are also lots of protests going on because people in power (mostly the police and government) think it’s ok to hurt and kill black people without repercussion. The current president does nothing to deter them (in fact he eggs it on) which obviously doesn’t help. I wish our leadership was different right now but this is the time we live in. It will be your dad and my job to talk openly about race, racism and white privilege in our house. You will be born with white privilege and unpacking generations of benefiting from systemic racism is a huge job. But, it’s worth it and is not something we can avoid just because it’s uncomfortable. I hope to teach you that growth requires discomfort and not to shy away from things just because they are difficult. We will learn and grow together since I know you will teach me just as much if not more than I could ever teach you. 
While I would love it if the public health and political climate were different upon your arrival, I trust that you know exactly what you are doing being born right now. I trust that we have waited this long because you were waiting for the perfect time to join our family. I trust that our lives are about to turn upside in the best way as we embark on the journey of parenthood that so many have done before us. 
I can’t even begin to imagine what it will be like to hold you for the first time. To look at your little face and examine the little life that has been growing in me these past months (I have a feeling I will be staring at you a lot!). This whole journey to get you Earthside has been one of the greatest challenges of my life but I suspect every last frustration, all the tears anxiety and uncertainty will feel completely worth it. 
Can’t wait to celebrate your birth-day!

37 weeks pregnant